Career advice we’re taking into 2024

Step in 2024 with our top tips! 

Before we head into 2024, we’ve taken a look back at the advice and tips from the Lowdown and the amazing women we’ve spoken to this year. We hope these tips will take you into a strong 2024!

Advice from women in business

Just go for it!

We read some great advice from women in business in our series earlier this year. When asked what advice they’d give to other women setting up their businesses, many of them said “Just go for it”. Sounds simple, but it is worth repeating and isn’t easy to do when you feel it has to be perfect before you hit “go”. Read why Chandani, Dina and Beverley think you should just go for it if you have that big idea.

Find a coach or mentor 

Coralie and Jyoti told us about the importance of a mentor or coach to work through business challenges.

At the time of writing, applications are currently open for mentoring through the Lowdown!

Advice on failure

Our women in business had some great reflections on learning from failure, and that it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Read how being fired at 19 galvanised chef Kasia who now runs her award-winning restaurant in Birmingham.

Gita talks about how failure isn’t final.

Tips for the workplace 

Future proof your career in 2024

If 2024 is already feeling uncertain we have some tips to take you into the next year on how to future-proof your career covering -

  • Keep learning

  • Do a skills and achievements audit

  • Build your network

  • Diversify your income 

  • Talk things through with a mentor 

Didn’t get that job you wanted? 

Remember our tips on how to bounce back and learn important lessons for next time.

Dreading going back to the office and dealing with that micromanager?

Our tips on how to manage the micromanager can help. We talked about how to figure out why it’s happening, how to have an honest conversation, and how to anticipate their needs to make your relationship with them more manageable. 

How to deal with the Sunday scaries 

This year we talked about dealing with Sunday scaries and manic Mondays - and that scary Sunday feeling can feel amplified when you’re coming back from a longer festive break. Kick off 2024 with the habit of blocking out time on Mondays to prepare and prioritise for the week, and arranging something social on Sundays - this is a hard recommendation from us in January! It’s a miserable enough month as it is and you might be on a budget but all the more reason to create little treats for yourself on Sundays, even if it’s just a movie night ritual at home. 

Know the signs of bad behaviour 

Our most-read article of 2023 was 5 signs of negging in the workplace and we hope that in helping people identify the signs and how to deal with them, it will empower you going into 2024.


ADHD in the workplace


Why we launched The Lowdown