Day in the life of a business owner: Gita Raikundalia, Nakasero

Gita Raikundalia

Gita founded and runs Nakasero, whose "mission is to bring you eclectic recipes by uncovering hidden culinary gems from around the world whilst staying true to our mantra of wholesome food." Gita describes her products as a premium range of vegan accredited relish, chilli jam and a trio of chilli oils.  "We believe the decision to eat clean doesn’t mean compromising in taste or quality."

I set up my business because … 

I had to share the magic of flavours and tastes I had discovered.  Whilst visiting Chicago, my cousin introduced me to Giardiniera (our hero product) for the first time.  Known locally as Chicago’s best-kept secret, I was amazed that I had never heard of or tasted this relish before.  It was crisp, spicy, tangy, moreish and extremely versatile. We finished their entire supply while we were there!

After returning to the UK, we craved the delicious tangy relish we experienced in Chicago.  I found a few online suppliers who sold Giardiniera, however, it tasted nothing like the heaven on a plate I had experienced.  I was confident that I could replicate the flavours of Chicago. Copious amounts of research over four months, and multiple attempts later, I had the perfect Giardiniera recipe, based on traditional Italian methods with my own twist.  Friends and family loved it, which made me realise that I could turn my passion into a business.

After 20 years of supporting the family business, and a successful corporate career, I was excited about a new direction and challenge, and Nakasero was born.

I believe in eating wholesome and unprocessed foods.  When my daughter, Tya, was three years old, she was diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.  My research led me to believe that her development could be improved by cutting out processed food.  It was one thing to have a unique product, but another thing to have it stand for everything I believe in.

I am very fortunate to have a close entrepreneurial family who were up to the challenge and supported me.

My heritage and lived experience have played a part in my career decisions by

Fuelling my journey from conception to reality and beyond.  

I am who I am today because of the childhood I had, the traumas I survived, and the rich culture and heritage I was so fortunate to be born into.  It sometimes feels like every decision I made, and every experience I gained, was in readiness to launch Nakasero and share my message.

Growing up in Uganda, in a Gujarati vegetarian home, I was surrounded with fresh produce, pickles, ferments and whole foods.  At a very young age, I was made aware of the benefits of the now-so called super foods and ferments.  Conversations about gut biome, leading an active life, and fresh ingredients was the norm.

When my daughter was diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in 2004, I was able to turn to my knowledge and experience of alternative foods and methods to help us successfully support and enable her development.

Today I proudly share my delicious recipes, curated to enhance and elevate every plate of food.

A typical day for me … 

The good news is, no two days are the same! Things stay interesting; however it can be an unpredictable journey so you have to be ready to face challenges head on and keep your eye on your goal.

I can lean on various experts, however, in the absence of time, funding, or both, I juggle multiple hats.  From bookkeeper, product developer and social media curator to delivery driver, picking and packing specialist and press agent.

The biggest challenge of running my business is  …

Not having a team to bounce ideas and more importantly, celebrate opportunities.

Challenges change daily and currently, it’s people or the lack thereof. A young growing business means limited funds and finding creative solutions.

But the biggest reward is..

Hearing people’s feedback and seeing their faces light up when they taste any of our products.  It genuinely is the most gratifying feeling. I’ve had people come up to me and say they are addicted to our Marmalata chilli jam or they need their Giardiniera fix!

That, and the pride and admiration I see in my children’s eyes, which is priceless.  I believe my business has enabled me to be a role model who leads by example.  Failures, tears, frustrations and victories!

“Failure” in business isn’t always a bad thing…

It either means you need to find another way or another time.  I always believe failure is part and parcel of the journey, it is not final as long as you keep bouncing back.  If you are failing then it is the result of action and overcoming procrastination and fear!

The best career advice I’ve received was…

From the woman in the mirror, ME! I can honestly say I have never ever been given career advice.

But I have been very fortunate to be surrounded by very positive family and friends who have always been encouraging when I have come up with an idea or aspiration.

When I was second guessing my decision to start Nakasero my husband said “If not now, when?  What’s going to change if you don’t?”

The advice I’d give to women / women of colour wanting to set up their own business is … 

Whatever your business idea is, do your research and identify a gap in the market, make sure the numbers make sense, produce a quality product/service to deliver the best product you can, no exceptions.  The rest is all YOU.  People buy from people, it’s all down to how YOU connect, YOU inspire YOUR story and how YOU come across.  The magic is YOU and don’t let anyone steal YOUR dream and conviction.

The three qualities I think you need for this career are …

  1. Be Agile and flexible – Be prepared to change your path, set your goals in concrete and plans in sand.

  2. Be Consistent – Turn up for yourself, your business every day and you will see results. 

  3. Take action – Ultimately, you’ve just got to get your hands dirty and graft.

What I do to switch off …

I workout, I find exercise is a great stress reliever.

I love love love watching boxsets and movies.

I enjoy dinners with copious amounts of wine with friends.

You can check out Gita’s product range over on Nakasero.


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